Chapter # 1 Measurements 1st Year Physics Complete Chapter MCQ's - MS Education Network

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1st year physics mcqs


1.06 Accuracy and accuracy

Which of the following is the correct record of the diameter of the wire when measured with a screw gauge of at least 0.001 cm counting?

(A) 2.3 cm

(B) 2.31 cm

(C) 2.312 cm

(D) 2.3124 cm


An accurate measurement is:

(A) Better health

(B) Low health

(C) Medium health related

(D) More Ùª Error

Final Results Estimate 1.07 Uncertainty



For a total assessment of the uncertainty of the final result obtained by multiplication and division:

(A) Absolute uncertainty is included

(B) Partial uncertainty is added

(C) Age uncertainty added

(D) Error added



L.C = 0.01 cm is the absolute uncertainty for different callers:

(A) 0.1 mm

(B) 0.01 m

(C) 0.001 cm

(D) 0.001 mm



The percentage uncertainty in mass and velocity measurements is 2% and 3%, the maximum uncertainty in kinetic energy is:

(A) 11

(B) 8

(C) 6

(D) 1



The percentage error in mass and velocity measurements is 2% and 3% respectively, the maximum uncertainty (error) in kinetic energy is:

(A) 11

(B) 8

(C) 6

(D) 1




5.47 × 19.89 = 108.7983 in The answer should be written as follows:

(A) 108.8

(B) 108.9

(C) 109

(D) 108.79



We include the final result obtained by multiplication for a total assessment of uncertainty

(A) Absolute uncertainty

(B) Partial uncertainty

(C) Uncertainty

(D) Error



The absolute uncertainty in the measuring instrument is equal to:

(A) Minimum count

(B) Partial uncertainty

(C) Accuracy

(D) Percent uncertainty



Uncertainty can be caused by this.

(A) The range of a tool

(B) Personal negligence

(C) The natural transformation of the object

(D) All of the above



The four readings of a micrometer for measuring the diameter of a wire in millimeters are 1.21, 1.23, 1.25, 1.23. Deviation means:

(A) 0.02 mm

(B) 0.01 mm

(C) 0.10 mm

(D) 0.20 mm



The time taken by the light from the moon to the earth:

(A) 1 minute 10 seconds

(B) 1 minute 20 seconds

(C) 1 minute 30 seconds

(D) 1 minute 40 seconds



Vernier Caliper recorded a measurement of 0.01 cm with a minimum count of 0.45 cm, with partial uncertainty:

(A) 0.01

(B) 0.02

(C) 0.03

(D) 0.45

1.08 Dimensions of the volume of physics



Which pair has the same dimension?

(A) Work and power

(B) Speed ​​and continuity

(C) Force and torque

(D) Torque and power



The power dimensions are:

(A) [ML-2T-2]

(B) [MLT-1]

(C) [MLT-2]

(D) [ML2T-2]



The dimensions of the light year are:

(A) Speed

(B) Force

(C) Time

(D) Length



The qualifying aspects of viscosity are:

(A) [MLT-1]

(B) [ML-1T-1]

(C) [ML-1T-2]

(D) [M-1L-1T-1]



The ratio of the amplitude of power to work is:

(A) 1: T

(B) T: 1

(C) 1: T-2

(D) T.2: 1



The angular velocity dimensions are:

(A) [MLT-2]

(B) [MLT-1]

(C) [ML2T-1]

(D) [ML-2T-1]



The dimensions of lg √ glg are as follows:

(A time

(B) Energy

(C) Speed

(D) Force



The dimensions of the horizon are equal to the dimensions of F × lm −−− × F × lm:

(A) Force

(B) Moment

(C) Speed

(D) Speed



Fluid volume flow rate amplitude are:

(A) [LT-1]

(B) [L2T-2]

(C) [L3T-1]

(D) [L3T-2]



Density dimensions are:

(A) [ML-2]

(B) [M2L-2]

(C) [ML-3]

(D) None of them



The dimensions of the centrifugal force are:

(A) ML - 2T - 2ML - 2T - 2

(B) MLT - 1MLT- 1

(C) MLT - 2MLT - 2

(D) ML2T - 2ML2T - 2



The weight dimensions are:

(A) [LT-1]

(B) [LT-2]

(C) [MLT-2]

(D) [ML2T]



The dimensions of speed are:

(A) [ML2T-1]

(B) [MLT-1]

(C) [ML2T-2]

(D) [ML2T]



Power dimensions are:

(A) [ML2T-2]

(B) [ML2T2]

(C) [ML2T-3]

(D) [ML-1T-1]



Torque dimensions are:

(A) [ML-1T]

(B) [ML2T-1]

(C) [ML2T-2]

(D) [ML2T2]



The dimensions of the pressure are:

(A) [MLT-2]

(B) [ML-1T-2]

(C) [ML-1T-1]

(D) [ML2T-2]



The frequency dimensions are:

(A) [LT]

(B) [T-1]

(C) [MLT]

(D) [LT-1]



The dimensions of angular displacement are:

(A) [L2]

(B) [LT-1]

(C) [Lu]

(D) [L-1T-1]



The dimensions of the viscosity are:

(A) [ML-1T]

(B) [ML2T-1]

(C) [ML-1T-1]

(D) [ML-1T-2]


The dimensions of the gravitational constant G are:

(A) [M-1L3T-2]

(B) [ML2T-2]

(C) [M2L-1T-2]

(D) [ML-2T-1]



mc2 mc2 is equal to the dimensions of the relationship dimension:

(A) Power

(B) Speed

(C) Energy

(D) Tark



[MoLoT - 1] [MoLoT - 1] Quotes refer to:

(A) Speed

(B) Time period

(C) Frequency

(D) Force



Dimensions [Mo LTo] represents quantity:

(A) Length

(B) Mass

(C) Time

(D) Speed


The numerical value of constant in any formula cannot be determined by dimensional analysis, however it can be found by:

(A) Increase

(B) Physical quantity

(C) Experiments

(D) Uncertainty


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