Chapter # 5 Circular Motion 1st Year Physics MCQ's - MS Education Network


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Circular Motion

5.01 Angular Displacement

The motion of a body moving on a circular path is called:

(A) translational  motion

(B) Angular motion

(C) Linear motion

(D) vibrating motion


36o is equal to:

(A) π8π8

(B) π6π6

(C) π5π5

(D) π12π12


ππradian is equal to:

(A) 75.3o

(B) 57.3o

(C) 35.7o

(D) 73.5o


The angle subtended at the centre by circumference of circle is:

(A) ππ rad

(B) 3ππ rad

(C) 2ππ rad

(D) π2π2


One revolution is equal to:

(A) ππ rad

(B) 2ππ rad

(C) π2π2 rad

(D) π4π4 rad


On angular unit is equal to:

(A) two two rev

(B) π4π4 rev

(C) π2π2 rev

(D) 12Ï€12Ï€ rev


The S.I unit of angular displacement is:

(A) Degree

(B) Revolution

(C) Radian

(D) Rotation


All points on a rigid body rotating a couple of fastened axis don't have same:

(A) Speed

(B) Angular Speed

(C) Angular acceleration

(D) Angular displacement


Which amount of the subsequent is dimensionless?

(A) Angular rate

(B) Angular acceleration

(C) force

(D) Angular displacement


A wheel of radius 2m turns through associate degree angle of fifty seven.3 It lays out a tangential distance.

(A) 2m

(B) 4m

(C) 57.3m

(D) 114.6m


2 angular unit = _________:

(A) 114.6o

(B) 57.3o

(C) 75.3o

(D) 37.5o


One degree is equal to:

(A) π360radπ360rad

(B) 2Ï€180rad2Ï€180rad

(C) π180radπ180rad

(D) π360radπ360rad


The angle through that a body moves is termed its

(A) Angular speed

(B) Angular displacement

(C) Angular rate

(D) Angular motion


The angle subtended at the middle of a circle by a part capable its radius is equal to:

(A) One degree

(B) One rotation

(C) [*fr1] rotation

(D) One angular unit


In one revolution the angular displacement coated is:

(A) 60o

(B) 360o

(C) 90o

(D) 180o


Angle 30o is equal to:

(A) π2radπ2rad

(B) π3radπ3rad

(C) π4radπ4rad

(D) π6radπ6rad


5.02 Angular rate

A wheel of radius fifty cm having associate degree angular speed of five rad/s have linear speed:

(A) 1.5 m/s

(B) 3.5 m/s

(C) 4.5 m/s

(D) 2.5 m/s


The dimensions of angular rate are:

(A) [LT-1]

(B) [LT-2]

(C) [T-1]

(D) [L-1T-1]


Which one among the subsequent is correct?

(A) ω=rvω=rv

(B) v=rωv=rω

(C) v=rωv=rω

(D) ω=rvω=rv


Revolution per minute is unit for:

(A) Angular displacement

(B) Angular rate

(C) Angular acceleration

(D) Time


1 rev/min is equal to:

(A) Ï€6rads−1Ï€6rads−1

(B) Ï€15rads−1Ï€15rads−1

(C) Ï€20rads−1Ï€20rads−1

(D) Ï€30rads−1Ï€30rads−1


If a automotive moves with the same speed of two m/sec in a very circle of radius zero.4 its angular speed is:

(A) four rad/sec

(B) five rad/sec

(C) 1.6 rad/sec

(D) 2.8 rad/sec


The direction of angular rate is decided by:

(A) mitt rule

(B) Head to tail rule

(C) Right had rule

(D) General rule


ω=60revmin−1ω=60revmin−1 is equal to:

(A) Ï€rads−1Ï€rads−1

(B) 2Ï€rads−12Ï€rads−1

(C) 1Ï€rads−11Ï€rads−1

(D) 2Ï€rads−12Ï€rads−1


If a body is acquiring the counter clockwise  direction the the direction of angular rate can be:

(A) Toward the centre

(B) far from the centre

(C) Anlong the linear rate

(D) Perpendicular to each radius and linear rate


The unit of angular rate in SI unit is:

(A) angular unit s-1

(B) Meter s-1

(C) Degree -1

(D) Revolution s-1


The angular speed for daily rotation of earth in rad s-1 is:

(A) 2 π

(B) π

(C) 4 π

(D)  7.3 x 10-5 rad s-1


5.03 Angular Acceleration

Angular acceleration is created by:

(A) Power

(B) Torque

(C) Pressure

(D) Force


Direction of angular acceleration is usually along:

(A) x-axis

(B) y-axis

(C) z-axis

(D) The axisof rotation


A body ranging from rest attains angular accelerationof five rad s2 in two second. Final angular rate can be:

(A) 10rads−110rads−1

(B) 7rads−17rads−1

(C) 3rads−13rads−1

(D) 2rads−12rads−1


The unit of angular acceleration in SI unit is:

(A) angular unit s-1

(B) Radian-2 s-1

(C) angular unit s-2

(D) Radian


A body will have a relentless rate once it follows a:

(A) Elliptical path

(B) Circular path

(C) Parabolic path

(D) rectilineal path


5.04 Relation Between Angular and Linear Velocities

When a body moves in an exceedingly circle, the angle between linear speed 'v' and angular speed speed is:

(A) 180o

(B) 90o

(C) 60o

(D) 45o


A wheel of diameter 1m makes sixty rev/min. The linear speed of a degree on its rim in ms-1 is:

(A) ππ

(B) 2Ï€2Ï€

(C) π2π2

(D) 3Ï€3Ï€


A body rotating with angular speed a pair of|of two} radian/s and linear speed is additionally 2 ms-1, then radius of circle is:

(A) 1 m

(B) 0.5 m

(C) 4 m

(D) 2 m

5.05 force


The magnitude of force on a mass 'm' moving with angular speed 'ωω' in an exceedingly circle of radius 'r' is:

(A) mr2ωmr2ω

(B) mω2rmω2r

(C) mrω2mrω2

(D) mr2ω3mr2ω3


When a body is getting a circle of radius r with angular speed ‘ω ’ its force is:

(A) mr2ωmr2ω

(B) mω2rmω2r

(C) mrω2mrω2

(D) mr2ω3mr2ω3


Centripetal acceleration is additionally called:

(A) Tangential

(B) Radial

(C) Angular

(D) move


When a body is whirled in an exceedingly horizontal circle by means that of string, the force is provided by:

(A) Mass of a body

(B) speed of a body

(C) Tension within the string

(D) acceleration


Centripetal force performs:

(A) most work

(B) Minimum work

(C) Negative work

(D) No work


The force is usually directed.

(A) far from the center on the radius

(B) on the direction of motion

(C) Opposite to the motion of the body

(D) Towards the center on the radius


Which one in all the subsequent isn't directed on the axis of rotation?

(A) Angular acceleration

(B) momentum

(C) acceleration

(D) Angular displacement


If linear speed and radius square measure each created to half a body traveling a circle. Then its force becomes:

(A) FcFc

(B) fc2fc2

(C) Fc4Fc4

(D) 2Fc2Fc


Which one in all the subsequent force cannot do any work on the particle on that it acts?

(A) halfway force

(B) attraction

(C) static force

(D) force


Which os the subsequent isn't directed on the fastened axis of rotation?

(A) Angular Displacement

(B) momentum

(C) acceleration

(D) Angular Acceleration


If a body revolves below force, its angular acceleration is:

(A) Non zero

(B) Variable

(C) Increasing

(D) Zero


When a body is whirled in an exceedingly great circle at the top of the string tension within the string is maximum:

(A) At the highest

(B) At rock bottom

(C) At the horizontal

(D) At the middle of diameter


When a body is getting circle of radius r with constant linear speed v its force is:

(A) mv/r2

(B) mv/r

(C) mv2/r

(D) mv2/r2


The acceleration of a body undergoing uniform circular motion is constant in:

(A) Magnitude solely

(B) Direction solely

(C) Both

(D) Neither


A stone is whirled in an exceedingly great circle at the top of a string. once the stone is at the very best position the strain within the string is:

(A) most

(B) Minimum

(C) adequate weight of the stone

(D) over the load of the stone


20 N force revolving a body on a circular path of radius 1m, the work done by the force is:

(A) twenty Joule

(B) forty Joule

(C) ten Joule

(D) Zero Joule


The expression for force is given by:

(A) mv2rmv2r

(B) m2v2rm2v2r

(C) m2v2r2m2v2r2

(D) mr2ωmr2ω


5.06 Moment of Inertia

Moment of inertia is measured in:

(A) kg m2

(B) kg m-2

(C) Rad s-1

(D) Joule second


The diver spins quicker once moment of inertia becomes:

(A) Smaller

(B) bigger

(C) Constant

(D) Equal


Moment of inertia of hoop is:

(A) mr2mr2

(B) 12mr212mr2

(C) 25mr225mr2

(D) 112mr2112mr2


Choose the amount that plays identical role in angular motion as that of mass in linear motion.

(A) Angular Acceleration

(B) Torque

(C) Moment of Inertia

(D) momentum


Momentum of inertia of rod is:

(A) 1=112mL21=112mL2

(B) 1=25mL21=25mL2

(C) 1=112m2L1=112m2L

(D) None of those


The mud flies the tyre of a moving bicycle within the direction of:

(A) Towards the middle

(B) Radius

(C) Tangent to the tyre

(D) Motion


A body rotates with a relentless angular speed of a hundred rad/sec a couple of vertical axis is needed force to sustain this motion can be:

(A) Zero Nm

(B) 100 Nm

(C) 200 Nm

(D) 300 Nm


Moment of inertia of a hundred metric weight unit sphere having radius fifty cm can be:

(A) ten metric weight unit money supply

(B) five metric weight unit money supply

(C) five hundred metric weight unit money supply

(D) 2.5 kg m2


Moment of inertia for a particle is given by:

(A) m2 r2

(B) mr2

(C) m2 r

(D) mr-2


In move motion analogous of force is:

(A) Torque

(B) Inertia

(C) speed

(D) Momentum

5.07 Momentum

The S.I unit of momentum is given by:

(A) J.s-2

(B) J.s-1

(C) J.s

(D) J.m


For momentum of system to stay constant, external torsion ought to be:

(A) Small

(B) Large

(C) Zero

(D) None


The value of momentum is most once once is:

(A) 90o

(B) 60o

(C) 45o

(D) 0o


The momentum momentum given by:

(A) r→×p→r→×p→

(B) L→×r→L→×r→

(C) r→×F→r→×F→

(D) F→×p→F→×p→


The product of otational mechanical phenomenon "I" and angular rate rate is equal to:

(A) Torque

(B) Linear momentum

(C) momentum

(D) Force


The dimensions of momentum L are:

(A) [ML2T-2]

(B) [MLT-1]

(C) [ML2T-2]

(D) [ML-2T]


In motility motion, the torsion is up to rate of modification of:

(A) Angular rate

(B) Linear momentum

(C) momentum

(D) Angular acceleration


The S.I unit of momentum is:

(A) kilogram m2g-1

(B) kilogram m2g-2

(C) Kg2 mg-1

(D) kilogram mg-1


Angular momemtum has identical unit as:

(A) Impulse × Distance

(B) Power × Time

(C) Linear × Time

(D) Work × Frequency


The moment of inertia of ten kilogram hoop regarding the axis of rotation perpendicular to its plane  having radius 5m is:

(A) fifty kgm2

(B) one hundred kgm2

(C) one hundred fifty kgm2

(D) 250 kgm2


5.08 Law of Conservation of momentum

The diver spins quicker once momentum of inertia becomes:

(A) Smaller

(B) bigger

(C) Constant

(D) Zero


When a torsion functioning on a system is zero, that of the subsequent are correct:

(A) Linear momentum

(B) Force

(C) momentum

(D) Linear impulse


The rate of modification of linear momentum of a body is equal to:

(A) Moment of force

(B) The applied force

(C) The applied torsion

(D) Impulse


The rate of modification of momentum of a body is:

(A) The applied force

(B) the instant of inertia

(C) The applied torsion

(D) Impulsive force


Angular momentum is preserved under:

(A) Central force

(B) Constant force

(C) Variable force

(D) Uniform force


If external torsion on a body is zero, then that of those quantities is constant:

(A) Force

(B) Linear Momentum

(C) Linear rate

(D) momentum


5.09 motility mechanical energy

The motility K.E of a hoop of radius 'r' is:

(A) 14mr2ω214mr2ω2

(B) 12mr2ω212mr2ω2

(C) mr2ω2mr2ω2

(D) 12r2ω212r2ω2


The quantitative relation of moment of inertia of a disc and hoop is:

(A) 3434

(B) 4343

(C) 1212

(D) 1414


The quantitative relation of rate of disc of rate of hoop is:

(A) 32√32

(B) 43√43

(C) 2323

(D) 4343


The quantitative relation of motility K.E of hoop of its change of location K.E is:

(A) 1 : 2

(B) 2 : 1

(C) 1 : 1

(D) 1 : 4


The unit of motility K.E is:

(A) rad/sec

(B) Js

(C) J

(D) Kgm2


The motility mechanical energy of a solid sphere is:

(A) 35mr2ω235mr2ω2

(B) 25mv225mv2

(C) 12Iω212Iω2

(D) 25Iω225Iω2


The motility K.E of a hoop of mass "m" moving down resistance simple machine with rate "v" can be:

(A) 14mv214mv2

(B) 12mv212mv2

(C) 34mv234mv2

(D) mv2mv2


The motility mechanical energy of a hoop of mass m moving down Associate in Nursing simple machine with rate v can be:

(A) 14mv214mv2

(B) 12mv212mv2

(C) 34mv234mv2

(D) mv2mv2


The linerar rate of a disc once it reaches very cheap of Associate in Nursing incilned plane of height ‘h’ is:

(A) gh−−√gh

(B) 23gh−−−−√23gh

(C) 43gh−−−−√43gh

(D) 13gh−−−−√13gh


A man in Associate in Nursing elevator ascending with Associate in Nursing acceleration can conclude that his weight has:

(A) accrued

(B) minimized

(C) Reduced to zero

(D) Remained constant


The linear rate of a disc moving down Associate in Nursing incline plane is:

(A) gh−−√gh

(B) 43gh−−−−√43gh

(C) 23gh−−−−√23gh

(D) 12gh−−−−√12gh


Rotational K.E of a body is given by a formula:

(A) K.Erot=12mv2K.Erot=12mv2

(B) K.Erot=14m2v2K.Erot=14m2v2

(C) K.Erot=14mvK.Erot=14mv

(D) K.Erot=14m2vK.Erot=14m2v


Relation between the speed of disc Associate in Nursingd hoop at very cheap of an incline is:

(A) vdisc=34−−√vhoopvdisc=34vhoop

(B) vdisc=43−−√vhoopvdisc=43vhoop

(C) vdisc=25−−√vhoopvdisc=25vhoop

(D) vdisc=2vhoopvdisc=2vhoop


The motility K.E of Disc is equal to:

(A) 14mv214mv2

(B) 12mv212mv2

(C) 14Iω214Iω2

(D) Iω2Iω2


A twenty metre high tank is choked with water. A hole seems at its middle. The speed of effluence can be:

(A) ten ms-1

(B) fourteen ms-1

(C) 11.5 ms-1

(D) 9.8 ms-1


5.11 Real and Apparent Weight

A man of mass five weight unit is falling freely, the force performing on it'll be:

(A) 5 N

(B) 9.8 N

(C) 19.6 N

(D) Zero


Weight of a sixty weight unit man in moving elevator downward) with constant acceleration of 12g(g=10ms−2)12g(g=10ms−2):

(A) Zero

(B) 300 N

(C) 600 N

(D) 200 N


A man in a very carry is moving upward with constant speed can conclude that his weight has:

(A) enlarged

(B) attenuated

(C) Reduced to Zero

(D) Not modified


The weight of the body at the centre of Earth is:

(A) most

(B) Minimum

(C) Zero

(D) Infinite


A man of one weight unit is freefalling. The force of gravity is:

(A) 1N

(B) 9.8N

(C) 0.5N

(D) Zero


If a rocket is fast upward with AN acceleration of 2g, AN cosmonaut of weight, Mg within the rocket shows apparent weight.

(A) Zero

(B) Mg

(C) 2mg

(D) 3mg


Apparent weight of a person in upward accelerated carry will:

(A) will increase

(B) Decreases

(C) stay same

(D) Increase then decrease


A sixty weight unit man in AN elevator is moving upward with AN accelration of nine.8 m-2. The apparent weight of the man:

(A) will increase

(B) Decreases

(C) stay constant

(D) Decones Zero


An elevator is moving up with AN acceleration adequate "g". a plain weight of the body in AN elevator is:

(A) Zero

(B) adequate real weight

(C) 2 mg

(D) 3 mg


A man in elevator dropping with AN acceleration can conclude that his weight has:

(A) enlarged

(B) attenuated

(C) Remained constant

(D) Reduced to zero


Free falling bodies:

(A) Have minimum weight

(B) Have most weight

(C) Neither minimum nor most weight

(D) area unit in a very state of weight


The weight of man in AN elevator moving down with AN acceleration of nine.8ms-2 can become:

(A) Half

(B) Zero

(C) Unchanged

(D) Double


A body of mass ten weight unit in free falling carry has weight:

(A) 10 N

(B) 9.8 N

(C) Zero N

(D) 980 N


5.12 Weight in Satellites and Gravity Free system

The weight of AN object in AN elevator moving down with AN acceleration of nine.8 m/s2 can become: 

(A) Half

(B) Double

(C) Unchanged

(D) Zero


A man weight a thousand N in a very stationary carry. If the carry moves up with AN acceleration of ten ms-2, then its weight becomes:

(A) 1000 N

(B) 2000 N

(C) 3000 N

(D) 0 N


5.13 Orbit speed

The quantitative relation between orbital and escape velocities are:

(A) 1

(B) 1212

(C) 12−−√12

(D) 2–√2


The expression for the orbital speed of satellite is given by:

(A) v=GMr−−−−√v=GMr

(B) v=GM−−−−√v=GM

(C) v=GMr−−−√v=GMr

(D) v=rGM−−−√v=rGM


Relation between {escape speed|speed|velocity} 'vesc' and orbital velocity 'vo' is:

(A) vesc=12vovesc=12vo

(B) vesc=2–√vovesc=2vo

(C) vesc=vovesc=vo

(D) vesc=2vovesc=2vo


An orbital speed of a satellite may be determined by the equation:

(A) 2gR−−−−√2gR

(B) 2GMR−−−−√2GMR

(C) gR−−−√gR

(D) GMR−−−√GMR


Orbital speed close to surface of earth is given by:

(A) 2gR−−−−√2gR

(B) gR−−−√gR

(C) 2gR−−√2gR

(D) gR−−√gR


The force required to unbroken the body into circular motion is called:

(A) resistance force

(B) gravitational attraction

(C) force

(D) force


In case of planets the mandatory acceleration is give by:

(A) gravitational attraction

(B) resistance force

(C) Coulomb’s force

(D) force


The force to the satellite is provided by

(A) Nuclear force

(B) The motion of satellite

(C) Coulombs force

(D) Force of gravity


The relation between the orbital speed vo of a planet and its orbital radius artificial language is:

(A) vo1rovo1ro

(B) vo1rovo1ro

(C) vorovoro

(D) voro−−√voro

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